A large green frogman dressed in armor he has gathered from items in a dense forest. He has puffed up in size and has a ferocious face. He carries a giant club made from a tree trunk that is wrapped in metal studs. He has the look of a barbarian as he embodies the strength of his rage with a reptilian but muscular body. 

A large barbarian frogman stands tall, his skin a vibrant shade of green. His body has swollen with strength, exhibiting reptilian but muscular features. He's dressed in armor assembled from various materials found in the dense forest, projecting a wild yet protective aura. In his grip, he brandishes a massive club, hewn from a tree trunk and ornamented with metal studs. The overall composition evokes the raw and untamed might of the wilderness. His ferocious face imparting a primitive and ruthless determination. The style is evocative of detailed and vibrant digital artwork.

A large barbarian frogman stands tall, his skin a vibrant shade of green. His body has swollen with strength, exhibiting reptilian but muscular features. He's dressed in armor assembled from various materials found in the dense forest, projecting a wild yet protective aura. In his grip, he brandishes a massive club, hewn from a tree trunk and ornamented with metal studs. The overall composition evokes the raw and untamed might of the wilderness. His ferocious face imparting a primitive and ruthless determination. The style is evocative of detailed and vibrant digital artwork.

A large green frogman dressed in armor he has gathered from items in a dense forest. He has puffed up in size and has a ferocious face. He carries a giant club made from a tree trunk that is wrapped in metal studs. He has the look of a barbarian as he embodies the strength of his rage with a reptilian but muscular body.

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