A skeptical-looking vampiric woman with red eyes, dressed like a 19th century detective

Generate an image of a skeptical-looking South Asian vampiric woman with glowing red eyes. She is dressed in a historically accurate 19th century detective attire, including a tweed overcoat, vest, and brimmed hat. Her pose should reflect her deep investigative instinct, similar to classic detective personas. Her features and clothes should have a distinct anime style with bold outlines and vibrant color contrasts. There should be no text in the image. The entirety is against an eerie moonlit night setting.

Generate an image of a skeptical-looking South Asian vampiric woman with glowing red eyes. She is dressed in a historically accurate 19th century detective attire, including a tweed overcoat, vest, and brimmed hat. Her pose should reflect her deep investigative instinct, similar to classic detective personas. Her features and clothes should have a distinct anime style with bold outlines and vibrant color contrasts. There should be no text in the image. The entirety is against an eerie moonlit night setting.

A skeptical-looking vampiric woman with red eyes, dressed like a 19th century detective

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