More fox, part human features, googles on head, scar on one eye, blind eye, blue and white fur

Imagine a character with unique hybrid attributes - primarily a fox but with some human characteristics. The creature has a combination of blue and white fur. It carries a distinct mark of past battles, a scar prominently located near one of its eyes. The same eye appears unusable, a blind gleam in its depths. On its head rest high-tech goggles, reminiscent of advanced science or perhaps future exploration. The visual style is reminiscent of Space Holograms, with elements appearing semi-transparent or lit from within, as if the creature exists partly in physical reality and partly in a realm of pure energy or digital information. Make sure no text is included in the image.

Imagine a character with unique hybrid attributes - primarily a fox but with some human characteristics. The creature has a combination of blue and white fur. It carries a distinct mark of past battles, a scar prominently located near one of its eyes. The same eye appears unusable, a blind gleam in its depths. On its head rest high-tech goggles, reminiscent of advanced science or perhaps future exploration. The visual style is reminiscent of Space Holograms, with elements appearing semi-transparent or lit from within, as if the creature exists partly in physical reality and partly in a realm of pure energy or digital information. Make sure no text is included in the image.

More fox, part human features, googles on head, scar on one eye, blind eye, blue and white fur

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