Fallen angel of darkness 

Create an image of a fallen angel drawn from the realm of fantasy. Sitting atop a forsaken crag, the figure is draped in a shadowy cloak, its wings tattered and ashen - a symbol of their fall from grace. Their visage is shrouded in mystery, partly hidden by the hood of their cloak. The heavens above them are storm-ridden, reflecting the turmoil within this fallen celestial being. The moonlight streaks through breaks in the cloud cover, illuminating just enough to hint at a humanoid figure beneath the cloak, leaving their descent and gender up to the viewer's interpretation.

Create an image of a fallen angel drawn from the realm of fantasy. Sitting atop a forsaken crag, the figure is draped in a shadowy cloak, its wings tattered and ashen - a symbol of their fall from grace. Their visage is shrouded in mystery, partly hidden by the hood of their cloak. The heavens above them are storm-ridden, reflecting the turmoil within this fallen celestial being. The moonlight streaks through breaks in the cloud cover, illuminating just enough to hint at a humanoid figure beneath the cloak, leaving their descent and gender up to the viewer's interpretation.

Fallen angel of darkness

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