We in the forest at night and a big hairy monster (resembling Bigfoot) is in front of us, the monster is in a crouched position and appears to be devouring the remains of a human being, by the way he’s looking at us it seems we are next 

Visualize a nighttime scene in a dense forest, where a large, hair-covered creature, bearing resemblance to mythical creatures from folklore tales like Bigfoot, is looming before us. The creature is in a hunched position, ominously gnawing at what appears to be the remnants of a human meal. From the way the creature is glaring at us, its predatory gaze suggests an impending danger, as if we're about to become its next target. The entire scene should be depicted in the style of pre-1912 fantasy art, using the artistic mediums of oil painting and traditional brushwork, embodying key aspects of the style such as intricate details, heightened emotion and dynamic composition.

Visualize a nighttime scene in a dense forest, where a large, hair-covered creature, bearing resemblance to mythical creatures from folklore tales like Bigfoot, is looming before us. The creature is in a hunched position, ominously gnawing at what appears to be the remnants of a human meal. From the way the creature is glaring at us, its predatory gaze suggests an impending danger, as if we're about to become its next target. The entire scene should be depicted in the style of pre-1912 fantasy art, using the artistic mediums of oil painting and traditional brushwork, embodying key aspects of the style such as intricate details, heightened emotion and dynamic composition.

We in the forest at night and a big hairy monster (resembling Bigfoot) is in front of us, the monster is in a crouched position and appears to be devouring the remains of a human being, by the way he’s looking at us it seems we are next

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