A goblin drinking from a old fashioned beer mug at a tavern

A goblin character is being depicted, indulging in a drink from an old-fashioned beer mug. This creature can be seen in a lively setting of an old-style tavern. The surroundings include wooden tables and benches, a bar with various drinks displayed, medieval style lanterns glowing with warm light, and other patrons engaged in their own activities. The aesthetic involved reflects clear attributes prominent in Anime, like intense color schemes, stylized lines, and exaggerated character features yet maintains a certain level of realism. Please ensure there is no text in the image.

A goblin character is being depicted, indulging in a drink from an old-fashioned beer mug. This creature can be seen in a lively setting of an old-style tavern. The surroundings include wooden tables and benches, a bar with various drinks displayed, medieval style lanterns glowing with warm light, and other patrons engaged in their own activities. The aesthetic involved reflects clear attributes prominent in Anime, like intense color schemes, stylized lines, and exaggerated character features yet maintains a certain level of realism. Please ensure there is no text in the image.

A goblin drinking from a old fashioned beer mug at a tavern

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