This is a Mercenary who uses holographic gadgets and every fighting technique in the known universe. They should be wearing a red costume that showcases their buffness and a sleek golden helmet, as well as some glove thingies that shoot bullets (like Deadshot). As for the background they are in the city

Imagine a fictional character who is a mercenary. They possess an array of holographic gadgets and bid their time mastering every fighting technique known across the universe. They stand strong in an outfit that magnifies their muscular physique, a crimson suit detailed with high-tech gear. Adorning their head is a smooth, glimmering helmet of gold, contrasting their suit. Their hands are encased in advanced gloves, equipped with bullet projectile mechanisms, similar to technology-centric comic characters. The character stands set against the backdrop of a bustling, dynamic cityscape, depicted with the artistic style and vivid colors typical of classic comic books. Note: there is no text in the image.

Imagine a fictional character who is a mercenary. They possess an array of holographic gadgets and bid their time mastering every fighting technique known across the universe. They stand strong in an outfit that magnifies their muscular physique, a crimson suit detailed with high-tech gear. Adorning their head is a smooth, glimmering helmet of gold, contrasting their suit. Their hands are encased in advanced gloves, equipped with bullet projectile mechanisms, similar to technology-centric comic characters. The character stands set against the backdrop of a bustling, dynamic cityscape, depicted with the artistic style and vivid colors typical of classic comic books. Note: there is no text in the image.

This is a Mercenary who uses holographic gadgets and every fighting technique in the known universe. They should be wearing a red costume that showcases their buffness and a sleek golden helmet, as well as some glove thingies that shoot bullets (like Deadshot). As for the background they are in the city

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